Chairman-NDE 2024

Komal Kapoor
Chief Executive,
Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad

NDE fraternity have a major responsibility in the societal transformation and the technological advancement adapting innovative ways in an extremely fast pace.  The entire NDE fraternity leavesfoot print on the marvelous achievements happening in the country and around the world. Essentially the demand of the hour is to align ourselves for fulfilling the national mission. In this respect, transition towards advanced NDE techniques from conventional one with the synergistic adoption of automation, robotics, sensors, artificially intelligent systems, will play dominant role.

It is of proud privilege and honor to welcome you all in the upcoming NDE 2024 Conference – A platform to NDE professional, researchers, academia and industry to converge for igniting professional minds and innovate in the field of Non-Destructive Evaluation. The theme of the conference is aptly chosen as “Imagine, Innovate, Ignite, Inspire”keeping in mind the exciting technological development around the world. The conference provides a premier platform to all the NDE professionals for sharing ideas with expert in the field, creates ambience for in-depth interaction and collaborate industry, academia and R&D centers.

The Organizing Committee is committed to offer a blend of dynamic technical program along with state-of-art exhibition of NDE technologies from Industry across the globe. Special emphasis will be on latest trend in the field of conventional and advanced NDE with adoption of artificialintelligence, Machine learning, automation, robotics and advanced sensors.The conference also wishes to experience the presence of NDE in the field of medicalscience, biology and beyond.Apart from all these, the conference venue being in the cityof Chennai which is close to several heritage sites and serine natural beauties, will surely make the joyful stay of the participant.

We are so confident that the 34th National Conference and Exhibition (NDE-2024) will turn out to be the most successful platform for networking and inspiring new technical ideas with the support from all of you. I cordially invite all to participate with full enthusiasm in this NDE festival, to enrich and experience the taste of a truly global event.