Workshop on Scientific Writing

Workshop on Scientific Writing

by Springer Nature


Friday, 8th Dec 2023


11:30 - 13:30 hrs


Hall: Hotel Orchid, Pune RAMAN

The face of scientific publishing is changing at a very fast pace. Transitions from print to electronic, onset of open access publishing and change in research demographics by geography, are a few of the issues being talked about in the publishing world today. How do these changes affect researchers? How can young researchers leverage these transitions to make their work visible? What is Open Access Publishing? What are citations and how are they calculated? These are just a few questions that Springer’s Author Workshops address. In this particular Author Workshop Lecture, Swati Meherishi will speak briefly about the transitions in and the needs of the publishing world and how young researchers need to prepare for it. This author workshop has been devised specifically as a resource for teaching non- native English-speaking researchers, particularly young scientists how to achieve publication success. Some of the key topics covered during this presentation are:

Writing for International Publications:
Structure, Style and Accuracy

How to structure a journal paper, what are the relevant sections, how should they be composed, dos and don'ts for each section, anguage tips when writing journal articles.

Selecting a Journal for your

What factors to consider when selecting a journal, how to find journals relevant to your topic area, what do journal editors look for in papers.

Peer Review and you

The peer review process, how does it work, timelines for review and publishing, what do peer reviewers look for, how to respond to review comments.

Publication Ethics

What are the ethical issues in publishing, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, ethical clearances, authorship disputes, how to treat data, where to get advice on ethics.

Plagiarism, Citations, Open Access: The Buzzwords of publishing

What are citations, how are impact factors calculated, indexing databases, what is open. access, benefits of open access, types of open access publishing.

Avoiding pitfalls

How to avoid predatory journals, what to do if a paper is rejected, tools and tips to avoid structure, language, and style errors